
1999 Richmond Road
Suite 200
Lexington, Kentucky 40502
(859) 514-2102

A Guide to Pet-Friendly Apartments

When searching for a new apartment, every pet owner wants to make sure that their four-legged companion will be welcomed into the space along with them. Fortunately, all of Cowgill’s apartment communities are pet-friendly, ensuring that you’ll find the perfect place for both you and your pet. Regardless of where your apartment search takes you, here are a few tips for navigating pet-friendly apartments.

Ask about what sort of pets are allowed.

In many pet-friendly apartment complexes, a wide variety of critters are welcome. However, it’s always helpful to check beforehand, as well as take into consideration any rules in place for different kinds of pets. As Apartment Guide points out, the difference between a dog and a hamster is not an insignificant one– so make sure you know in advance what stipulations apply for what kinds of pets.

Keep things clean.

This goes beyond just picking up after your dog on a walk– although that’s also important. Animals can do some damage, regardless of whether they’re aware of it; that means things like investing in a scratcher so your cat doesn’t harm furniture, making sure your puppy won’t have any awkward accidents or being diligent about changing out your guinea pig’s bedding to prevent any unwanted smells. It’s also worth remembering that some people with allergies can be especially sensitive to pet hair, so be sure to groom your cat or dog as needed as well as regularly clean up the hair around the apartment.

Try to keep barking to a minimum.

It’s natural for dogs to bark sometimes, but if yours is making a fairly consistent racket (especially late at night and early in the morning) it may be time to implement some changes lest your fellow tenants grow weary of hearing canine yapping. According to Everyday Health, easy strategies like keeping your dog active and distracted can lessen unwanted barking– and while obedience training can be a process, simple commands like “quiet” or training your dog to adjust to appropriate greeting skills can make a big difference.

Be ready to advocate for your pet.

In complexes where the pet-friendliness depends on how well-behaved an animal is, it helps to showcase precisely why your pet fits the bill of apartment-ready. Apartment List recommends methods such as building a “pet resume” where you can highlight proof of vaccinations, training certificates, and other items of importance. You can even ask for a letter of recommendation from past neighbors or landlords for good measure.

Make sure your pet will be safe in your new space.

Taking into consideration things like balconies and windows can ensure your pet’s safety is protected– high places from which a dog or cat might jump can pose a serious risk, says Apartment Guide. You’ll also want to consider whether an apartment will have adequate space for your pet and all its amenities. Ultimately, the perfect place for you can be the perfect place for your pet, too, with some careful planning. If you’re curious about pet-friendly apartments here in Lexington, check out Cowgill’s range of properties today.

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